Humans are the most common race found on Xelanis. They have heavy cultural differences depending on where they grew up. They are a fast adapting species, and quickly find a niche to fill. With the opening of the planes they have found more places than ever to expand into. The quickest of any of the races to learn to communicate and assimilate into foreign cultures.
Description: standard human variation
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype): Humanoid (Human)
Base Speed: 30'
Attributes: +1 to two stats of your choice
Bonus Feat: At 1st level, gain an additional feat.
Skilled: At 1st level, and each level thereafter, gain 1 additional skill point.
Middle Ground: You can communicate simple concepts with any race that has a language; as a full-round action you may attempt a DC15 Linguistics check to translate more complex ideas.
Adaptable Culture: When other races check to use cultural abilities, you count for their purposes.

This race is the closest to the original humans that lived on Ovanus before the apocalypse. They are taller than standard humans, and are more focused when it comes to tasks and work. Having spent years fighting wars against the Khen-Zai, they finally joined the world when the plane was restored during the start of the Dargeth Empire. As a people, they are steeped in a military culture. Everyone is trained, to some extent, in how to fight and defend themselves, though with fewer immediate threats in the world they have become competitive in finding other ways to stand out from the other races. Despite this competitive spirit, at their core they live and work for the community, putting other Corelians and their friends above themselves more often than not.
Description: 5’8"-6’4" average, olive to dark skin complexion, black hair, tending to look more symmetrical than a standard human.
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype): Humanoid (Corlian)
Base Speed: 30'
Attributes: +2 to one stat of your choice
Mandatory Military: Your non-proficiency penalty for manufactured weapons and armor is reduced by 2.
Equipment Trained: Gain one exotic armor or weapon proficiency.
Tactical Combat: +2 to saves when fighting defensively or using Combat Expertise.
Competitive Culture: You gain a +1 to skill checks when another player is rolling the same skill; you gain an additional +1 for each other Corelian in your party.

Small, blue, proud, rude, gnomish beings, the Lychals share a lot of history with the Corlians, both races having fought and lived through the Khen Zai wars. Lychals were a slave culture for the Khen Zai, and had been forced to be helpers and assistants to the controlling race. Once their freedom was established, they quickly found their own way to work with the other races as scientists, technicians and engineers, using the knowledge that kept them useful and alive to their former masters. They have a strong love of hats or other items that clearly show status.
Description: 3'5"-4'0" average, light to dark blue complexion, white, gray, or black hair.
Size: Small
Type (Subtype): Humanoid (Lychal)
Base Speed: 20'
Attributes: +1 Constitution, +2 Intelligence
Studied: +2 to Spellcraft and Psicraft.
Technical: +2 to Craft (choose one) and Knowledge (choose one).
Natural Talents: +1 to the DC and caster level of spells from the Conjuration school.
Easily Intimidated: -2 to saves vs. fear effects.
Arrogance: You can use your Intelligence in place of your Charisma on all Bluff checks.
Proud Culture: +1 to saving throws against fear or compulsion effects; you gain an additional +1 for each hat-wearing Lychal in your party.

The original Illikin were made by the Illithids, using Dark Elves to create a race that would store information and be able to survive the apocalypse by being able to gain nutrients from anything. Originally they lived in the Underdark, surviving by eating dirt, though as time moved on they became more adapted to the surface. A generally friendly and happy race, they have a natural curiosity and imagination about them; most have found that they enjoy finding a craft that they can do, not always for profit, but just to be able to show others things they have made.
Description: 4’3"-5’4", with a complexion which matches where they live: browns for Godsface, green for more forested areas, lighter grays for cities. Almost all have large yellow eyes, and an odd number of tentacles on the top of their heads.
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype): Aberration
Base Speed: 30'
Attributes: +2 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence
Survivor: An Illikin can gain sustenance as long as they consume at least 2 lbs. of non-manufactured material in a 24 hour period.
Keen Sight: As a move action, you gain or remove darkvision 30' and simultaneous light sensitivity.
Mindsense: You do not lose your DEX bonus to AC against creatures that you cannot see, so long as they have an INT score greater than 3.
Mental Resonance: When you cast a spell with a duration on a target, or while a duration spell is cast on you, you and the target can communicate telepathically up to 100'.
Cooperative Culture: You give an additional +1 when performing the aid another action; you also provide an additional +1 for each other Illikin in your party.

Cousins to the Illikin, they were separated hundreds of years ago by a God of Fear. Taken to a demiplane, they advanced quickly with the technology they had, having captured their god to power their cities and reactors. Strong willed, they helped a lot during the Harmonic Wars; their knowledge of weapons and ways to fight deities were invaluable. Nowadays they enjoy the quieter and simpler life afforded to them by living on Xelanis.
Description: 5’2" to 6’0", hairless, with various patterns or marks on the skin. Though they may have tentacles on their head, most of them do not.
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype): Aberration
Base Speed: 30'
Attributes: +1 Strength, +2 Charisma
Strong Willed: Once per day you can ignore an effect or stat penalty for 1 round.
Void Metabolism: Poison or Disease effects only need half as many successful saves to overcome.
Resolve: You treat all fear effects as one step less; if you would be panicked you are instead frightened, if you would be frightened you are instead shaken, if you would be shaken there is no effect.
Defiant Culture: You get +1 to all saves against divine spells and the spell-like abilities of immortal beings; you gain an additional +1 for each other Void in your party.

Having only returned from their planar sojourn, the Halfling people have returned with a new connection to the cosmos beyond the material realm. For the most part they choose to stay away from the adventuring life, pursuing careers and starting families, as opposed to exploring. Though the younger generations are starting to get more wanderlust as Xelanis expands in power and reach.
Description: 2’10"-3’6"; like humans, a variety of complexions, often with light to dark brown hair. Agile builds with hairy feet.
Size: Small
Type (Subtype): Humanoid (Halfling)
Base Speed: 20'
Attributes: +2 Dexterity, +1 Charisma
Agile Build: You gain +2 to CMB on Dexterity-based maneuvers.
Wanderlust: You get +2 to Acrobatics, Climb, Knowledge (Planes), and Swim, and you can choose one additional language known at level 1.
Fortune's Favorite: +1 Luck bonus to all saving throws.
Hardy: +2 to all saves against Dominate and Possession effects.
Lucky Culture: When you roll a natural "1" you can re-roll; you can use this an amount of times per day equal to the number of Halflings in your party.

Though for a long time considered a slower race, they have adapted quickly to the technological changes and new peoples. Talkative and friendly, they are often excited to try new foods, new customs, and find new items. Accomplished traders, they can be found in most of the larger cities as merchants or craftsmen.
Description: 5'9"- 6'6", most of them have various patterns of greens and browns. Most have some sort of bright coloration on frills or on the lower neck.
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype): Humanoid (Scaled)
Base Speed: 30'
Attributes: +1 Strength, +1 Constitution
Scaled Hide: You have a natural damage conversion of 3 nonlethal (which stacks with other nonlethal conversion).
Strong Build: You count as one size category larger when it would be beneficial to you.
Hold Breath: You can hold your breath for 4 rounds per point of CON.
Adaptable: Choose either fire or cold resistance 1. You also have the effects of endure elements against either hot or cold, depending on the resistance chosen.
Trade Culture: You gain a +1 to Diplomacy for each folk that shares a language with you in your party.

A constructed race made by three companies, Balance, Golden, and Ammon. They have been successful members of society since before the Mechanus Binding of the plane. Hardier than most other races, they have a hard time connecting with non-Android races due to their emotions and expressiveness. When their consciousness is created each one is given a choice of form that they would like to function as during their time on the plane.
Description: 4’4"-6’2"; though they can be created to be almost any size or shape, the most common fit between human ranges. Though they can be designed to look in any certain way, most choose to have some humanoid resemblance. All Androids can be immediately recognized for what they are by the glowing that comes from under their skin following circuitry and veins.
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype): Humanoid, Construct (counts as both for all effects dependent on creature type
Base Speed: 30'
Attributes: +1 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence
Conscious Choice: Gain Skill Focus with the skill of your choice.
Inorganic Expressiveness: -3 to Bluff and Sense Motive when interacting with non-Android races.
Exceptional Senses: Darkvision 30', Low-light vision.
Constructed Mind: +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, and stun effects.
Mechanical Endurance: Immune to fatigue, exhaustion, disease, sleep, fear, and all emotion-based effects.
Manufactured Variability: Choose one at time of character creation -
Reinforced Chassis: +1 Strength and carrying load doubles.
Mithral Core: +1 Dexterity and +2 to CMD.
Admantium Cage: +1 Constitution and DR 2/Ocanthian.
Astral Cortex: +1 Intelligence and +2 vs. Illusions.
Detection Module: +1 Wisdom and increase Darkvision by 30'.
Interaction Protocol: +1 Charisma and you lose the penalty to Bluff and Sense Motive with non-Android races.
Constructed: For the purposes of effects targeting creatures by type (such as a ranger's favored enemy and bane weapons), Androids count as both humanoids and constructs. Androids can never gain morale bonuses.
Balanced Engineering: Instead of the normal Manufactured Variability options for standard Androids, choose one of the following at character creation:
Ocanthium Alloy: Lose the +2 racial bonus to paralysis and stun effects. Reduce base speed by 5'. Increase base weight by 25%. When making a sunder attempt via an unarmed strike, ignore the first 5 points of hardness of the item being sundered. Treat your unarmed strikes as Ocanthian for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. Gain a +2 racial bonus to CMD when resisting disarm, bull rush, overrun, and reposition attempts.
Hardlight Skin: Gain a -5 penalty to Stealth when in conditions other than bright light. Lose Darkvision. Gain a +2 Shield bonus to AC which extends to incorporeal and ethereal sources, and improve your non-lethal damage conversion by +1 (if you have none, gain non-lethal damage conversion 1). Gain immunity to bleed effects.
Hedron Infusion: +10 to base movement speed. Instead of Skill Focus, gain a +2 racial bonus to Acrobatics and Climb. Instead of the normal +2 racial bonus to saves, gain a +2 racial bonus to all saves against effects with the energy descriptor (fire, cold, electricity, acid).

The newest race to walk on Xelanis. Created when the crystal sea, home of the Elans, spilled into the Artori wilds. The psionic energy and magical properties created the Ar’Tephik, a shadow people with a strong connection to natural powers. As the race grew, the ones that chose to enter into another stage - the Artorian - became more plant-like, taking on the forms of tree-like people. Though somewhat alien, they have proven to be overall a kind race, fond of meeting new people and songs.
Description: 5'0"- 6'2", covered in bark from head to toe, though gaps in the bark show either light or shadow, depending on their youth. No mouth can be seen, and hey have crystalline leaves replacing where in other races would be hair.
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype): Humanoid, Plant (counts as both for all effects dependent on creature type)
Base Speed: 30'
Attributes: +2 Constitution
Natural Talent: +2 to two skills of your choice.
Part Shadow: Low-light vision.
Part Light: You need only 1/4th the amount of food as a normal humanoid needs per say, as long as you are in contact with natural ground most of the day. Do not need to sleep.
Plant Physiology: +1 on all saves against mind-affecting effects, and +2 against paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, and stunning effects.
Verdant Growth: Non-lethal fast healing 1.
Song: Artori language is sung, not spoken. Non-Artori can use Perform (Oratory or Singing) to interpret/communicate basic concepts.
Guarded Culture: You can act in the surprise round as long as an Artorian in your party can act. You are not considered flat-footed unless all Artorians in your party are flat-footed.
Description: 4'8"- 5'4", creatures that look as though made of either light or shadow, with green emerald eyes.
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype): Humanoid, Plant (counts as both for all effects dependent on creature type)
Base Speed: 30'
Attributes: +1 Constitution, +1 Wisdom
Light and Dark: +2 to Perception and Stealth.
Part Shadow: Low-light vision.
Part Light: You need only 1/4th the amount of food as a normal humanoid needs per say, as long as you are in contact with natural ground most of the day. Do not need to sleep.
Blessed Resilience: +2 on all saves against all mind-affecting effects.
One with the Elements: +2 Caster/manifester level to all effects that have one elemental type (chosen at 1st level).
Senses: Telepathy 20'.
Song: Artori language is sung, not spoken. Non-Artori can use Perform (Oratory or Singing) to interpret/communicate basic concepts.
Guarded Culture: You can act in the surprise round as long as an Artorian in your party can act. You are not considered flat-footed unless all Artorians in your party are flat-footed.
One of the more rare races to come across anymore, most have left to follow their god and Messiah, Pruxiligne. A golem-like race made of metals and imbued with souls that were once long trapped in the plane, they are patient and observant; most people consider it a blessing to run into one these days. About 6 feet tall, made entirely of metal and wood, they prefer to stick to their own affairs though they will always help someone in need if they see someone in trouble.
Gnomish in size, these creatures look they are made out of mud; they have coal black eyes and don’t seem to have teeth. Mostly found in the mountain range tops, they rarely come down to trade or interact with other species. They follow the nature god N’Enoth, and have very unique tribes based around various totems or fetishes that they have found, most of which are usually discarded items from travellers.
Immortal crystalline human-like beings. They - like the Silvermen - were once more common; during the Harmonic Wars their birthing pool was bombed and destroyed beyond repair. The Crystal Sea spilled into the Artori wilds. The few Elan that are left try to remain hidden, not wanting to be subject to inquiry or experiments from some of the larger companies. Since their forms are made of thought, they can change their visual characteristics rather easily, letting them blend into large crowds with ease.